
To do:


• Your project must be written in C. • Your project must be written following the Norma. If you have files or functions additional, these are included in the verification of the Norm and you will have a 0 if There is a rule error in any of them. • Your functions must not terminate unexpectedly (segfault, bus error, double free, etc.) or have undefined behavior. If this happens your project will be considered non-functional and you will receive a 0 during the evaluation. • All the memory allocated in the heap must be properly freed when necessary necessary No memory leaks will be allowed. • If the statement requires it, you must deliver a Makefile that will compile your files source the required output with the flags -Wall, -Werror and -Wextra and of course Your Makefile must not be relinked. • Your Makefile must contain at least the rules $(NAME), all, clean, fclean and re. • To deliver the bonuses of your project you must include a bonus rule in you Makefile, in which you will add all the headers, libraries or functions that exist prohibited in the main part of the project. Bonuses must be on file different _bonus.{c/h}. The mandatory part and the bonuses are evaluated separately. • If your project allows the use of libft, you must copy its source and its Makefile associated in a libft directory with its corresponding Makefile. The Makefile Your project must first compile the library using its Makefile, and then compile the project. • We recommend you create test programs for your project, although this is work will not be delivered or evaluated. It will give you the opportunity to verify that you program works correctly during your evaluation and that of other colleagues. And yes, you are allowed to use these tests during your evaluation or that of others companions • Submit your work in your assigned Git repository. Only the work of your repository Git will be evaluated.

• If an error happens in any section of your work during Deepthought’s grading, the evaluation will stop.